Requests for New Funds
The request should address the following questions:
- Who owns the fund?
- What is the purpose (use) of the fund?
- What is the suggested name of the fund?
- What is the expected life of the fund?
- Is this a central or non-central (departmental) fund?:
- Suggested OASIS fund, if known
- Is this Main Campus, Health Sciences Center, Potomac State College, WVU Tech, or Research Corporation?
- Are there restrictions on the usage of these funds either as (a) externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws and regulations of other governments or (b) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation? If yes, please provide documentation to support the restriction (for example, contract, state code, donor agreement). Providing the requested information will expedite the approval process.
The fund owner is responsible for ensuring the fund is reconciled on a timely basis. Please refer to the Reconciliation of Funds Policy.